4276 Electric Brushless Motors

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Pmax 2790 W
Thrust N/A
Imax 155 A
Vmax 18 V
Len 76mm
wt 400g
out of stock
Pmax 2835 W
Thrust N/A
Imax 135 A
Vmax 21 V
Len 76mm
wt 400g
out of stock
Pmax 2668 W
Thrust N/A
Imax 116 A
Vmax 23 V
Len 76mm
wt 400g
out of stock
Pmax 2808 W
Thrust N/A
Imax 108 A
Vmax 26 V
Len 76mm
wt 400g
out of stock
Pmax 2800 W
Thrust N/A
Imax 100 A
Vmax 28 V
Len 76mm
wt 400g
out of stock